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Be Merciful To Me
Be Merciful To MeAletheia Burney
00:00 / 03:20
"Be Merciful To Me" is an arrangement of hymn 32 by Timon and performed by Aletheia and Timon
The original tune (as reproduced in the final verse) was written by Carl Göttlief Glasen (1784–1890)†
The lyrics are adapted from Psalm 57 by Benjamin Hall Kennedy (b. 1804)
1 Be merciful to me, O God,
Thy mercy unto me
Do Thou extend; because my soul
Doth put its trust in Thee:
2 Yea, in the shadow of Thy wings
My refuge I will place,
Until these sad calamities
Do wholly overpass.
3 My cry I will cause to ascend
Unto the Lord most high;
To God, who doth all things for me
Perform most perfectly.
4 O Lord, exalted be Thy name
Above the heav’ns to stand:
Do Thou Thy glory far advance
Above both sea and land.
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