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Hushed Was The Evening Hymn
Hushed Was The Evening HymnAletheia Burney
00:00 / 03:01

Christadelphian Hymn Book: Hymn 146 

Words: James Drummond Burns (1823–64)

Music: Aletheia

Instruments and recording: Timon


1 Hushed was the ev’ning hymn,

The temple courts were dark;

The lamp was burning dim before the sacred ark;

When suddenly a Voice Divine

Rang through the silence of the shrine.

 2 The old man, meek and mild,

The priest of Israel, slept;

His watch the Temple child, the little Levite, kept;

And what from Eli’s sense was sealed,

The Lord to Hannah’s son revealed.

3 Oh! give me Samuel’s ear,

The open ear, O Lord,

Alive and quick to hear each whisper of Thy word;

Like him to answer at Thy call,

And to obey Thee first of all.

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